
This resource manages a file containing a single preference record in the directory /etc/apt/preferences.d. Files in this directory are taken into consideration by apt when it assigns priorities to different versions of packages to determine which is selected for installation. Files in this directory are parsed in alphanumeric ascending order.

For more information about apt preferences see man apt_preferences.

Relationship to other resources

This resource implicitly depends on directory and symlink resources whose path parameters are ancestors to the directory /etc/apt/preferences.d.


ensurestringDetermines the desired state of the resource. One of present or absent.yespresent
namestringPrimary parameter: Name of the preference. The name will also be used as file name.yes
orderstringA number that will be prepended to the file name to control the place in which apt parses the file. Files of lower oder will be parsed earlier.no
explanationstringThe value of the Explanation field as described in the man pages.no
packagestringThe value of the Package field as described in the man pages.yes
pinstringThe value of the Pin field as described in the man pages.yes
pin_prioritystringThe value of the Pin-Priority field as described in the man pages.yes


  - type: apt::preference
	  name: nginx
	  explanation: Pin nginx at this version even if it results in a downgrade.
	  package: nginx
	  pin: version 1.18.0*
	  pin_priority: 1000
  - type: apt::preference
      ensure: present
	  name: bookworm
	  order: 10
	  explanation: Assign a higher priority to packages from a distribution by the codename bookworm.
      package: *
      pin: release n=bookworm
      pin_priority: 900