

Resources are the main building blocks of your configuration. They define which files, hosts etc. are managed on the client.

Resources are defined in an array-of-tables using the header [[resources]] in the client and group configuration files.

Apart from resource-specific parameters (such as path in a file resource), each resource contains meta-parameters. These meta-parameters can be applied to every kind of resource. Note that meta-parameters are exempt from variable substitution.

The following table describes the meta-parameters that are currently supported.

Name TOML type Description Mandatory Default
type string

Tells pullconfd how to parse this resource. One of:

  • apt::package
  • directory
  • file
  • group
  • host
  • resolv.conf
  • symlink
  • user
requires array Defines dependencies between this and other resources. See Dependencies for more information. no []

In addition to these general configuration options, each resource is described in detail in their respective documentation page.