

Pullconf uses StrictYAML as a configuration format to define resources. In general resource parameters are validated extensively to ensure that erroneous user input is noticed early and minimize the chance that a client applies wrong configuration, e.g. that the path to a directory is indeed a valid filesystem path.

Pullconf uses different internal types to further restrict which values are valid in the context of a given resource parameter, instead of simply taking a string and, for example, hoping the string happens to be a valid Linux username.

For this reason YAML literals in configuration files might as well all be interpreted as strings before being further scrutinized by pullconfd and parsed to a more specific, internal type. Among other things StrictYAML does exactly that.

The YAML parser is only concerned with three types of nodes:

  • hashes/maps
  • arrays
  • string literals

Reducing the YAML feature set in that way has the added side effect of making Pullconf configuration files more readable than other configuration formats would be able to.

Server component

The Pullconf server (pullconfd) is a simple server application that parses resources defined in StrictYAML configuration files and exposes them via an HTTP API. Clients (pullconf) use this API to request their designated list of resources via HTTP. All resources remain in memory until the server is restarted or reloaded.

The server also validates configuration extensively and fails if some part of the configuration is erroneous or ambiguous. While not possible in every single case, this approach should prevent any faulty configuration making its way to the client.

When a client requests its resource list it does so using its hostname and an API key. Unless the server is able to tie the provided API key to the list of resources the client is requesting, the request it will be rejected. How a client's hostname and their API key are tied to each other will be further explained in the sections below.

Client component

Pullconf clients (pullconf) request their designated list of resources from pullconfd and apply it. Authentication is implemented via API keys and hostnames. When a client's hostname (output from $ hostname --fqdn) is my.example.domain it fetches its resource list from HTTP /api/clients/my.example.domain/resources. A client API key is authorized for this single endpoint and is otherwise rejected to prevent a client from requesting another client's resources.

Furthermore, when it comes to file resources, a client is only allowed to download files from the server that are specifically mentioned in a file's source parameter.

The full list of resources is then applied in the following way: Every resource contains relationship data. Dependencies are one type of relationship that is common to all resource types. If a resource does not depend on other resources or its dependencies have already been applied, it will be applied in this instant. Otherwise it will be appended to the end of a queue and re-tried after the remaining resources have been applied. The client iterates over the resource queue until every resource has been applied.


Resources are the main building blocks for configuring a client system. There are generic types such as file, directory or symlink. On the other hand there are also very specific resource types as such as host that serve a single purpose, in this case maintaining a line in /etc/hosts.

While generic types could be used to configure most software and components, using specific types (where applicable) enables additional validation that is specific to the domain at hand, e.g. to ensure that entries in /etc/hosts are valid and only certain non-default entries are managed.

Pullconf tries to infer dependencies between configured resources. For example every host resource depends on the target file /etc/hosts. If this file does not exist the resource cannot be applied. If an administrator chose to also manage this file explicitly via the file resource type, the former will depend on the latter and both resources will be applied in order.

Similarly a directory resource depends on other directory resources if those happen to be ancestors to this directory, e.g. /my/example/path depends on /my/example if both happen to be managed resources.


As previously explained a client's resource list is defined in a StrictYAML file on the server. The file may contain an optional key that can be used to assign groups to a client. Groups are also StrictYAML files stored on the server that (just as client configuration files) include resources. Groups are a place where common resources are defined that apply to multiple clients.

For example the sshd configuration of a client fleet could be defined in a group since this might very well be the same on every system. The parts of the configuration that might differ from client to client can be replaced with variables or replacement scripts, but the resource definition can still reside in a common group.

When the server is (re)started it reads resources from every group that a client is a member of and evaluates them in the context of this client. Resources that are already defined in the client take precedence over those defined in a group when they identify the same resource.

Two resources are considered the same when their primary parameters match. For example when a file resource managing a file at /my/example/path is defined in both the client and the group configuration file, the former takes precedence and the latter will be ignored.

While a client's resources take precedence over those defined in groups, there is no hierarchy on the group level. As such there are a total two configuration levels, the client level on top and all the group level below it. This structure invites you to compose your client's configuration from a set of groups and leave the client configuration file for the specific stuff, while also avoiding complex inheritance rules that might lead to errors.


Variables can be used to substitute resource parameters on the server-side, prior to configuration validation. They offer a way to define and change values that are mentioned multiple times throughout the client configuration (such as an IP address) in a single spot.

Variables that are defined in a client configuration file also apply to resources defined in groups, since group resources are merged with the client's and validated as if they were defined in the same file.

Dynamic content

What Puppet achieves with Facts, Pullconf tries to mimic up to a certain point in file resources. A file's content may contain placeholders that are replaced with the output of scripts that run on the client. Of course scripts can be written in any language.

While this offers less flexibility than Puppet Facts, since placeholders cannot be used in every resource, it has the added advantage of being approachable, due to being language agnostic and easily debuggable.

The scripts whose output determine the final content of a file can themselves be managed and deployed by way of a file resource.